BODY BALANCE TECHNIQUE (HNC) is a combination of various well known methods such as Kinesiology, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Craniosacral Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy and N.O.T. (Neural Organization Technique), which was originally developed by Dr. Carl Ferrerie from New York/USA.
Clements Künstner, a German naturopath, further developed the ideas of N.O.T. and has successfully treated numerous clients with the HNC method.
HNC is a body balance technique which works through the central nervous system to restore structural, biochemical and emotional balance. This discipline works with neurological priority systems. It uses acupressure, reactive muscle monitoring and co-ordinated respiration to address areas of concern.
Our neural organisation is what enables us to survive and function in every possible situation. It is self-healing, self-regulating and self-perpetuating but it can be thrown off balance by physical or emotional trauma.
To minimise damage and protect the body, there are three primal defence systems which the body uses when threatened in any way. The reactive muscle system of survival is designed to hold the skull and spine together and, literally, keeps the head on the body when struck or injured, physically or emotionally. The dural defence system, in conjunction with the TMJ complex, acts to provide a protective cushion for the brain and the fascial defence systems causes a contraction of the skin and spine, forcing blood towards the muscles. All of the above in turn can result in a compromise of the internal systems of digestion, circulation, endocrine, as well as immune responses as a person literally, becomes locked into fight-or-flight.
In layman’s terms… Imagine yourself as an extraordinary computer, using the most advanced technologies in computer design. Your nervous system is the operating software. It keeps you functioning to optimum standards. Your digestive, endocrine and immune systems are the specialised programs, each one essential to a specific task. Your muscular and skeletal structure is the output, allowing your body to do the “talking”. Now, consider what would result if damage occurred to the programs! The first program errors might be subtle. However, compensating for those errors would soon lead to complications. Eventually, you would have to make some serious changes. You might even require a technician to reprogram a whole series of commands – and this is what an HNC therapist does!
The results of HNC treatments can make a great change to health and wellbeing. The more severe the neurologic impairment, the more spectacular the results can be.